You will learn :

How to set up GSC

How to use it to get more traffic

How to find posts losing traffic

How to fix the loss in traffic

How to find your most powerful posts with the most backlinks

Find out my 3rd niche site, shhhhh :)
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Get my hugely popular SEO course on a steep discount ! 

 A comprehensive online course with detailed strategies on the exact steps you need to take, to get THOUSANDS of traffic from Google 

 You can learn : 
  • The step by step process I followed EXACTLY to go from 7,000 pageviews a month to nearly 100,000 pageviews, in 7 months. 

  •  How to find easy to rank topics to write and the perfect blog post that both readers AND Google loves. 

  •  How to write and research content that is high quality and sends you traffic for years 


  •  SEO checklist for you to follow step by step

  • An in-depth SEO audit of Food and Parenting blog posts

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Search Console Samurai$47

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  • 1xSearch Console Samurai$47

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