Want to start your blog BUT all the technical stuff makes you feel nauseous?! O_O


When I tried to set up a blog 6 years ago :

  • I spent AGES wasting time Googling/Youtubing how the HECK I could get a stupid logo to show up on the home page

  • I didn't know what plugins I was supposed to have

  • I was TERRIFIED and lived in FEAR I would break my blog O_O

  • I ended up with a basic blog that looked like a hot turd 

  • I wasted so much time and energy trying to set it up,  I didn't end up doing what I loved the most : WRITING. I just wanted to WRITE and share my tips with the world. But stupid technical issues held me back !

  • I had no idea how to set up Pages, Categories, Menus or the right way to upload a blog post. In fact, they made me want to cry, eat chocolate muffins and give up


 If this is you and you just want someone to show you how to set up a beautiful speedy blog STEP BY STEP in one weekend, ONCE AND FOR ALL ...

Then, my friends, you are in for a TREAT!

Wordpress Wizard is going to ensure you put all your technical problems to rest, so you can FINALLY just get on with writing and growing your blog ! 


I bet you are thinking:

I need to know coding and html to set up a blog, right?

It's going to take me AGES!! I don't have WEEKS to set up a blog!

It costs A LOT OF MONEY! I don't have that :(

You need to be a developer or have technical skills to set up a blog O_O

I am delighted to inform you, you are WRONG ON ALL COUNTS!

 Because I had ZERO background in html/ coding and I didn't have a developer husband who could help me either, or a huge budget to set up a blog ($100 max was what I could afford)

I wasn't one of those genius kids that casually 'played around with html and set up a blog when I was 11,lol' 

 I was too busy trying to steal Aarons's fizzy cola bottles and blame it on my sister... 

But yet, despite this, I've set up 6 successful blogs that make lots of moolah (like $15k-$18k a month)

And they don't look like hot pieces of turd either! 

Don't believe me? Here is blog number 1 and 2 , you can check them out below: 

I am going to walk you through step by step,EXACTLY how to set up a simple speedy yet beautiful blog that you wont be ashamed to share and encourage people to read too!

I won't mention coding or html, I will explain everything in simple English and video tutorials, so you never feel scared to tackle blogging issues ever again 

 Here are just some of the things you will learn : 


  • Set up a beautiful homepage, About Me page, Blog page and Contact me page
  • Design a blog and customize a theme
  •  Link Google analytics and Google Search Console 
  •  Upload the correct plugins 
  • Set up a privacy and disclaimer policy 
  • Master the Gutenberg block editor
  • Set the right WP settings 
  • Set up the site to be FAST 
  • Set up a SSL certificate

By the end of the course, you will have a beautiful speedy blog AND know HOW to do it yourself 

So you no longer have to rely on expensive developers every time something goes wrong O_O


I am going to be setting up a BRAND NEW blog with you and show you step by step how to go from ZERO to a fully functioning blog 

I will show you in real time how I set a new blog up! 

what's inside this blogging training:


You will finally find out the 3 things YOU NEED to set up a blog that makes money 
Learn the best hosts and how to find the right domain name 
Over 10 modules showing you step by step how to set up your blog, from your About Me page to your Homepage , Menus, Categories ...EVERYTHING, the whole kit and kaboodle!
You just need to follow it exactly to have a fully functional blog by the end of it 


Learn how to set GA, GA4 and GSC up and link them to your blog so you can track your progress from the beginning
Learn the step by step how to create a blog post, upload an image, a video, and the different formatting needed to help Google understand your site and get lots of traffic
Want to create a side bar?
A footer ?
Link social media profiles to your
How do you add a new user to your blog?
What about your blog email? 
I'll show you all the nitty gritty details you need to know with an in depth Wordpress Walkthrough via video tutorial 


Learn all the correct plugins and tools I use to grow traffic and income of my 6 blogs 
Want to change your theme, logo or even font colour or size?

Want to remove Elementor/ Divi and start with a fresh theme? 

I GOTCHUU, I will be working on real sites of my students, showing you how to do it!

oh hai! It's Aisha Preece here

 6 years ago, I sat in my stuffy office job looking out the window, wishing I was somewhere else. 

 I didn't like the job I was in, I didn't want my boss's job, I wanted to get out and work remotely while traveling the world but I didn't know HOW


 Is it a secret Only Fans account? Dad's trust fund money? Selling their kidneys? 

 Turns out a lot of them finally figured the secret: Running a monetised blog! 

 So, I went about creating my first blog in 2017, and made a ton of mistakes.

I used a theme that was so slow all my readers bounced off ...

I had no idea how to format my blog properly, so the fonts were all over the place and wonky 

And I was too embarrassed to share my blog, because it was.. so ugly :(

But paying for a developer was TOO EXPENSIVE. I couldn't afford it.

Fast forward past the snotty tear filled tissues and lying on the bathroom floor wondering if using an Only Fans account to pay for a developer was the way to go....

I FINALLY figured out how to set up a beautiful fast blog that my readers and Google loved!

 I also finally managed to earn USD10K per month last year.

Blogging changed my life, its bought me freedom to travel the world, save for my future and take care of my family too!

I created this WORDPRESS WIZARD training because I know struggling with technical issues slows down your progress, prevents you from writing and might even result in you giving up before you've even start:(

I want to cut through the fluff and theory and give you practical steps for you to set your blog up ONCE AND FOR ALL

so are you in or are you in?!...

Ready to finally figure out how to set up your blog?

Then let's do it! You know my teaching style : simple, practical, and honest

Zero bullshit

So if you like that, then you will be SO RELIEVED after you take this course 

  • I am a TOTAL NEWBIE with ZERO tech experience setting up a blog or website
    PERFECT. This is for you! Its for beginners who have no experience. I will guide you step by step.
  • I've already set up my blog, will this work for me?
    If you still live in fear you might break your site, you struggle with technical issues or all things blogging then this is perfect for you
  • Will you fix my technical issues?
    No I won't. It's a self study course which you can take at you own pace. You will learn how to set up your blog and tackle technical issues you will face when setting up your blog.
    But I WILL share how I get my technical issues fixed, inside the course ;)
  • When will I get access to this course?
    End of April 2023. You are about to purchase it at the lowest price it will ever be. Its the pre-sale early bird price.
    I'll email you once its ready :)
  • Do you give refunds ?
    Due to the digital nature of this course, no refunds are allowed. Please email aisha@outandbeyond.com to ask any questions before you buy it. I'll try my best to clarify.

Contact information

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Don't miss this amazing offer!

Special one-time offer, only $27!
Get my hugely popular SEO course on a steep discount ! 

 A comprehensive online course with detailed strategies on the exact steps you need to take, to get THOUSANDS of traffic from Google 

 You can learn : 

  •  Learn the step by step process I followed EXACTLY to go from 7,000 pageviews a month to nearly 100,000 pageviews, in 7 months. 
  •  How to find easy to rank topics to write and the perfect blog post that both readers AND Google loves. 
  •  How to write and research content that is high quality and sends you traffic for years 


  •  SEO checklist for you to follow step by step,
  •  An in-depth SEO audit of Food and Parenting blog posts

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Due to the digital nature of this product, refunds are not offered.

Wordpress Wizard$149

  • Total payment
  • 1xWordpress Wizard$149

All prices in USD
